<sup id="swwqq"><wbr id="swwqq"></wbr></sup>
Profiling Machine
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Split Bridge Sawing Machine
Whole Bridge Sawing Machine
Diamond Chain Saw
chamfering and polishing


KeteScan Slab Scanner

KeteScan can do collaborative work with slab polishing line to be on-line collecting slab images. Its system has integrated advanced technology of optics, laser, digital control, electrical control with mechanical manufacturing. Besides the qualified components, the scanner is designed with airproof, dustproof and water mist proof structure of high reliability. Its scanned images are with advantages and characters such as high definition and high fidelity, real color, clear texture, accurate layout and various formats. It can measure the slab outline to pick up maximum inner connecting rectangle and mark out defect and size deduction. The system supports the use of gigabit network and the scanned images & detected data are able to be saved in network and linked to many database to maximally meet the need of stone secondly processing.

Scan and Obtain High-Fidelity Images of Stone Slabs

Real Color: to show the rich and authentic color of natural stone

Clear Texture: to show the natural surface of stone vividly

Rich Texture:images can show the charateristics of different natural stone

Accurate Layout: The image corresponds to any part of the stone slab.




Technology Specifications

Maximum Scanning Width


Maximum Scanning Length


Continuous Scanning Speed


Images Formats

JPEG(optional compression stages 5/8/12)

TIFF(no compression)


Images Resolution


Power Supply


Scanner Dimension(LxWxH)





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